Bribery and corruption are not only against our company values; they are illegal and can lead to reputational damage. We will not seek to influence others, either directly or indirectly, by offering, paying or receiving bribes or kickbacks, or by any other means that is considered unethical, illegal or harmful to our reputation for honesty and integrity. Employees and representatives of the Company are expected to decline any opportunity which would place our ethical principles and reputation at risk. While certain laws apply only to bribes to government officials (domestic and foreign); this Policy applies to non-government business partners as well.
Atlas Auto Service Centre is committed to local and global environmental protection through integration of sound environmental practices. We achieve this through compliance with all applicable statutory, regulatory and any other environmental requirements. All employees are aware of their responsibility for acting in accordance with the policy.
Atlas Auto Service Centre is committed to provide for its employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, contractors and service providers a safe and healthy environment for the prevention of injuries and ill health within its Operations. We achieve this by eliminating hazards and reducing occupational health and safety risks in all areas of our operations. This is achieved through provision and maintenance of safe workplaces, compliance with all applicable statutory, regulatory and other occupational health and safety requirements and continuous assessment of risks, internal audits, performance evaluation and management reviews.